Are You Currently Running A Fairly Successful Business, But Deep Down Inside… You Know You Could, and Should… Be Netting Much More Cash-Flow – Especially For All That Time and Energy You’re Putting Into It?
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gosh, if my business had effective sales and marketing strategies that actually worked… I’d be bringing home LOADS more cash”… then this is the most exciting and important message you will ever read.
And here’s why: I’m Craig Garber, host of the Everyone Loves Guitar Podcast. What you may not know about me is that since March of 2000, I’ve been running a very busy marketing consulting firm. I’ve helped over 300 clients in 108 different industries all over the world… sell millions of dollars worth of goods and services. I’ve sold everything from $20 dollar books… to $1,000 marketing programs… to $5,000 seminar seats… and everything in between.
The bulk of the work I do involves consulting with clients to help them generate leads (online and offline)… lowering their client or customer acquisition costs and increasing customer value… writing ad copy and either generating or managing the sales communication between my clients… and their customers or clients.
During this time, I also authored “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers,” which you can find on
And for 10 years, I wrote and published an offline paid for hard-copy, monthly subscription-based newsletter, called Seductive Selling. The newsletter discussed (with live examples included) marketing and selling strategies, and how to write ad copy that sells. We had subscribers in 30 countries… and while 3 months is the average length of time subscribers typically “stick” on industry newsletter publications like this… the average retention for my Seductive Selling Newsletter members, was somewhere between 8 and 9 months. In fact, I was actually shocked just how many of the customers I had when we stopped publishing in December of 2015… had been with me for close to the entire 10 year run.
And fortunately, when you’re good at marketing, other opportunities seem to come up. Here are some of the “side hustles” I’ve had, over the years:
- I had an e-commerce company, selling various types of Supplements online…
- Had separate companies which provided marketing and consulting services specifically to these niche markets: Mortgage brokers… and another providing same to Real Estate investors who do short sales…
- I also wholesaled single family homes, and flipped mobile homes. This was really interesting for me, especially since growing up in New York City, I never even saw a mobile home until I was in my mid-30’s…
- I would use my marketing skills to find mobile homes and raw land people wanted to sell… buy them, and then resell them, via owner financing. This was one of my favorite businesses, actually…
- Currently, in addition to providing marketing and copywriting services for clients… I am also involved in an anti-aging skincare e-commerce company…
- And, of course… this “cooler-than-I-ever-imagined” Everyone Loves Guitar podcast…
I also have a ton of experience selling high priced consulting services. Things like:
- legal services…
- insurance (property & casualty, life insurance, disability insurance, LTC insurance)…
- accounting… financial planning…
- marketing consulting… real estate consulting… dental consulting services… mortgage / loan services…
- animal communicator services (And yes, I’m serious)…
- dating services… tutoring… weight loss services… custom wine making…
- chiropractic… debt relief… home restoration… drug & alcohol rehab… and loads of others
And here are the kind of results my clients get:
- A financial services professional in the midwest increased his leads by 51%. Because he was now also dealing with more qualified leads, his net cash-flow went up by 60%. And his lead acquisition costs also dropped by 21%.
This meant he could now spend the same amount of money on advertising as before… get 25% more clients and have 60% more cash in his pockets. So, more clients, more revenue, and much greater cash-flow than before.… - An affiliate campaign I wrote, delivered these results for two separate affiliates: A 30.96% click through rate on one campaign, with 100% (yes, 100%) of these people ordering. We didn’t do as well with the second promotion, but still… nothing to feel badly about, with a 44.68% click through rate, and 88.88% of these folks ordering…
- I wrote a solo email drop to a cold list of medical professionals, and it got a 15.43% open rate, and a click-through rate of 21.4%…
- A webinar registration landing page I put together for a client in the boutique high-end service business had a 54% conversion rate. This means 54% of the people who landed on the page, also registered for the webinar. The webinar host was pitching an in-person workshop, which he more than sold out (using a sales letter I wrote). As a result, he had to book a larger hotel room. But as you can imagine… this is a great problem for you to have!…
- And only 7 days after an information product launch I put together, 37.73% of the people who clicked through, ordered…
- An e-commerce company I worked with in the supplement space: For Diet pill sales, our average sale was $286. For Krill Oil, our average sale was $330. At the time, both of these numbers were roughly 50% higher than the industry average sale. On top of that, 35% of all orders purchased at least 1 upsell order. And by the way, all these leads were generated from a “cold list.” Meaning, they had no relationship with us before. They were simply responding to a cold ad they saw, online. How can this be? Simply because… when you understand how to structure an offer… how to develop a sales funnel that works… and how to push your customer’s emotional buy-buttons… things often work out that way.
In each one of these situations, I developed the marketing and sales strategies, and I also wrote the ad copy and all the communication, for each specific campaign.
Now imagine the kind of impact these things would have on your business:
- Increasing the number of qualified leads your consistently getting, by over 50%…
- Net cash-flow up, significantly…
- Advertising costs down…
- Exorbitant click-through rates to customers or clients actually “buying stuff”…
- Huge lead generation conversion rates, with leads flowing into a pre-designed, and very deliberate sales funnel (which you can typically automate)…
- Routinely doing successful launches…
- Charging significantly higher prices than your competitors, and having your customers and clients loving you for what you do for them – not bitching about how much you charge…
- Customers buying multiple products at once…
Are these results you would enjoy and benefit from?
Of course they are!
Having said this, most business owners don’t “need” to achieve numbers like this. As a matter of fact…
The truth is, if you were able to increase your numbers by even one-tenth of these results… it would probably have a significant impact on your net cash-flow, right?
You bet!
Typical Problems I Help Solve for Business Owners:
Here are just a few of the kinds of problems business owners come to me with:
- You’ve realized your website is more of an online business card, than an effective mechanism for generating leads or making sales. In other words, outside of giving you a “presence” online, your website really isn’t doing anything for you (as in, “making money”), at all…
- If you’re like most business owners, you’re probably pretty good when it comes time to getting qualified prospects to move forward with you after you speak with them. But knowing how to generate these leads in the first place… is another story, altogether. Unfortunately, few businesses have any kind of consistent or predictable ways of generating enough qualified leads and prospects to work with. Which is sad, because most business problems can be solved, simply by having an abundance of leads to work with…
- Total lack of marketing strategy. You really have no clue how to build an effective sales funnel that coordinates everything you “should be doing,” into one smooth working plan that fits together. There’s no sense of understanding regarding how to effectively find, engage, and compel your most qualified prospects to take action… how to get them to know, like, and trust you… and how to get them to buy from you, over and over again…
Basically, you have no predictable or reliable way of generating qualified leads, and then systematically converting these leads into paying customers or clients, over and over again…
- You have no idea how to really use social media to advertise or market your business…
And while these are just a few of the problems I help solve…
Here Are Some of the Benefits You Can Expect, From the Work I Do With Clients:
- You can finally start “attracting” pre-qualified customers and clients who are ready to buy from you, now. This is a lot easier than trying to “convince” people to buy from you, which is what most sales people and business owners are trained to do.
I’m not pushy, and I’m certainly not in the convincing business, and I’d suggest you try and avoid that business, as well. It’s typically unproductive and frustrating. Plus, who wants to deal with a pushy sales person? I sure don’t, and I bet you don’t, either.
Good news is… it’s much easier to be a “hard opener” than a “hard closer,” by simply pre-qualifying your leads. Pre-qualifying your leads also lets you avoid all the tire-kickers and looky-loos who are just wasting your time, shopping around for the lowest prices in town or online…
- In business, there are only 3 ways to make more money: Get more customers… raise your prices… or increase the value of your average transaction size. (Meaning, getting customers or clients to spend more money with you, each time they buy). I will show you an extremely simple way to dramatically increase the value of your average transaction size… by getting as many as 98.4% of your customers to spend more money with you, every single time they buy…
- How to sell your goods and services for top-dollar, and at much higher profit margins than your competition. The secret to this is knowing how to “position” yourself in the marketplace, which is actually much easier to do than you might be thinking. This also lets you charge higher prices and collect more net cash, so you can start earning what you deserve, for all that hard work you’ve been doing…
- And how about your advertising? Are you sick and tired of running online or offline ads and never getting the kind of responses you want? Is your customer or client acquisition cost so high that even if you actually got a response to your ads, your business still couldn’t run profitably? Don’t worry, I’ve written literally thousands of emails, sales letters, faxes, postcards, advertorials, direct mail pitches, landing pages, online and offline lead generation ads, and facebook and google ads… and I’ve been fortunate enough to create some massive home runs – some of which I’ve already shared with you. As well as…
Other Winning Promotions, Like These:
- A direct mail piece I created for a client in the service industry, generated a 47.1% lead generation response on the first mailing. Yes, that means 47.1% of all the people who received this mailer, raised their hands and responded “Yes” to it. In fact, the client couldn’t mail out a second or third mailer because he already exceeded the allotted number of tele-seminar participants allowed on his call, from this first mailer.I then coached him on how to structure his presentation and how to do the “close” on his call. He went on to sell $151,000 worth of information products on this call. And by the way, this was the FIRST tele-seminar he’d ever hosted or tried selling on…
- An email sequence I created recently went out to a small email list of only 95 dentists. Within the first 4 days, 4 workshop sales were already made – 3 at $2,597, and 1 at $3,597 – $11,388 total…
- And then there’s this campaign: One of my side hustles is investing in real estate – specifically wholesaling properties. A lead generation mailer I wrote in this space got a 32.85% response rate within the first 3 weeks. This means nearly 1/3rd of all the prospects who received this postcard, picked up their phone and reacted to it…
As you can see, hiring me isn’t a cost, it’s an investment with a pretty significant return for you, as the investor. Which is why most of my clients come back, time and time again…
So… Who Is This For?
Probably like your own business, there are certain clients or customers who are a better fit to work with you, than others. That being said, here are the 5 situations where you and I are very likely to work well together, and be successful:
- First, and most important… you must be selling a high quality product or service. Because even the best marketing strategies will fail if you’re not selling something of value, or if your ethics aren’t fundamentally sound. You really can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. And if you’re selling something shady or suspect, I’ll tell you upfront, we are definitely NOT a fit,…
- You need to have an open mind. And that’s because the recommendations I’m going to make will probably sound unconventional. The kinds of strategies I use aren’t the ones that fill up marketing books on the shelves down at your local Barnes Noble or on, and they sure aren’t the ones used by Madison Avenue ad agencies. If they were, you’d have heard about them already, and you’d be using them yourself. Plus, my clients aren’t interested in, nor do they typically have millions of dollars to waste on “branding.” My clients want to make money, and they want to start making it, as soon as possible…
- Your numbers have to work. And here’s what I mean by that. There’s an old insiders marketing story about the guy who’s selling widgets. See, this fellow was was losing money on each transaction. And when he was asked how he ever planned on making any money, his response was, “Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it in volume.”
Uhhh… no. That’s not how it works. Your numbers have to make sense in the first place. I’m not a genie in a bottle, and I can’t multiply zeroes and somehow turn them into positive numbers for you… - If you’re looking for get rich quick schemes, I’m not your guy. The techniques and strategies I use have been field tested and proven to work, but they’re generally NOT overnight strategies. They’re based on the fundamentals of human psychology… the dynamics of how people interact, and react… strong communication… and based on delivering (ideally, over-delivering) real and perceived value on your end, in exchange for cash from your customers and clients. Sure, often the results are pretty quick. But just like dieting… you didn’t gain those extra 20 pounds overnight, and you’re not going to lose them overnight, either. Look, no one’s ever complained “Results took too long”… but just have realistic expectations…
- Lastly, if you’re looking for discount or low budget marketing services, I’m not your guy. But if you’ve read this far, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. You can’t get quality service and proven results like this, demonstrated over years and years of performance… at a discount. Something would be very wrong if this were the case. This generally isn’t a problem, because most people are only uncomfortable spending money in the absence of value…
Besides, the same way you don’t want to your wife and children driving through a thunderstorm, in a car with discounted rubber tires on the wheels… and the same way you don’t want a “discount” cardiologist performing your open heart surgery… you really don’t want the cheapest marketing consultant working with you, either.
You see, there’s absolutely no upside in any of these situations: the pain and trauma of having to deal with the often severe damage from bad results, in each case… far outweighs any “savings” you might have.
The corollary of this is, the long-term pain of the fallout from each of these situations, is far greater than the short-term slight discomfort of having to pay more, to get a job well done in the first place. Not to mention all the time that gets wasted, having to just get back to ground zero – if you can even get back there, at all.
And the truth is… you’d be hard-pressed to even find someone who’s worked in as many different industries (conservatively 108, at last count) and in as many different situations, as I have.
This is the kind of wisdom most people are thrilled to pay for. To avoid making costly mistakes and to get to “the bottom line” that much quicker.
That being said, where most marketing is an expense… I actually generate income. I’m a SOURCE of revenue – a paycheck, not a bill. An investment, not an expense. And for most people, this is an investment that pays off for years to come.
Yes, Craig… I Need Help!
Look, great business owners aren’t 50 times smarter than you are… they just know “The Wealth Formula.”
Let’s face it, you’re probably not making the kind of money you deserve, not because of any lack of effort. For most business owners, working hard isn’t the problem. The problem is, not having enough paying customers or clients, plain and simple. Or having too many customers and not knowing how to charge more, or not knowing how to get them to spend more money with you, each time they do buy.
But once you crack the code to this wealth formula… and your marketing starts doing all your selling for you… suddenly, life’s a lot less stressful and business starts becoming fun, once again.
Reality is, when you’re walking around with a wad of cash stuffed in your pockets, and you know there’s a lot more where that came from… you feel dramatically different about yourself, in almost every aspect of your life.
So if you’ve ever “sensed” you’d really be on to something big, if you only knew how to put marketing systems in place, that consistently attract the kinds of customers you want, and repel the ones you don’t want… along with having an automated sales funnel that does all the “work” for you… then book a Marketing Strategy Session with me.
Your call comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. On this call, we’ll discuss what’s currently working in your business, and what you’re either struggling with… or what you’d like to improve upon, marketing or sales-wise.
We’ll also discuss specific sales and marketing problems you’re having, and I’ll identify specific strategies you can pick and choose from, that are solutions to your problems. Each of these solutions allows you to start capturing all those lost dollars that are currently leaking through the unplugged holes in your business.
There are 3 Marketing Strategy Session options for you to choose from:
90-Minute Marketing Strategy Session – $1,000
60-Minute Marketing Strategy Session – $750
30-Minute Marketing Strategy Session – $500
To book your Marketing Strategy Session, simply click on the above link, and we will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your Strategy Session, which you may record, if you want to. It’s easy – we can use Skype, Face Time, or even facebook messenger.
Few other things you need to know:
- These calls come with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re unhappy, for any reason at all… you’ll receive a full refund without any hassles…
- After you book your Marketing Strategy Session, please e-mail me at Let me know what you’re looking to accomplish and what your most pressing frustrations are. This way, I can understand what you’re looking to get out of our time together. Once in a blue moon, your email will go into spam. So if you don’t hear back from me or my office within 24-48 hours MAX… just head over to my Contact form, and enter the same information.
- Lastly…
If you’re unsure whether a Marketing Strategy Session can help you or not, complete the contact form at the bottom of this page, and let me know your situation…
If I can help you, I’ll let you know. And if I can’t help you, I’ll also let you know. I’ve been doing this a long time and I only want to work with you if I can actually have a positive impact on your business.
Whether you realize it or not, if you’re like 99% of all the entrepreneurs I’ve worked with… your business is at least TWICE as profitable as you think.
And the only thing wrong with having nothing to show for all that hard work you’re doing… is thinking there’s nothing you can do about it.
I have a great work ethic, and you’ll find me easy to chat with, very thorough, and with good communication skills. I’ll also speak to you in plain and simple English, not with fancy marketing buzzwords or anything else that wastes your time.
I’m also reliable and stable… and not going to flake out on you, like a lot of marketing people do. I grew up in New York City and have lived here in Florida since 1989. Been with my wife since 1993, and we’ve raised 3 grown children.
Again, if you find me lacking in any of these traits, you can take advantage of the 100% money-back guarantee that comes with this service.
And listen, I’m also very empathetic and understanding. Before I got into marketing, I ran a small business, and I was absolutely clueless and fearful about anything related to marketing. So chances are good, whatever you may be feeling or concerned about… I’ve walked in your same shoes, once before.
Plus, I know what it’s like to struggle. I grew up with nothing and I’ve been working since I was 14 years old. I’ve worked night shifts as a New York City Cab driver, not far from the gritty housing projects where I grew up… I collected tolls, and did whatever I had to do, to get by. Fortunately, I didn’t stay in these positions very long. I graduated college, became a CPA… then I got into sales and eventually began working for myself in 1994. Went into marketing full-time, in March of 2000.
Again, if you have any questions, just complete the form below and ask me.
Either way, thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you good health and continued success, always.
Best wishes,
Craig Garber
P.S. If you’re sick and tired of gambling with your business, and you’re ready to make your own lucky breaks, instead… then book your Marketing Strategy Session with me, right now:
90-Minute Marketing Strategy Session – $1,000
60-Minute Marketing Strategy Session – $750
30-Minute Marketing Strategy Session – $500
Why not plant yourself a money tree, right in the middle of your very own business… right now?
Stop “hoping” things will get better on their own. Hope is not a very good business strategy, and it’s a terrible strategy when it comes to marketing.
Marketing Strategy Session Inquiry Form:
Use this form if you have any questions about the Marketing Strategy Sessions:
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